Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Hey all. On the 12th of August, there's a dance being organised for secondary scholars at the Grand Copthorne hotel, right next to Zouk. It's 20 bucks apiece. Lex and i will be there. Think clubbing, without alcohol and with miscellaneous performances and some other nonsense. Will be quite fun if a whole bunch of us go, i guess. Just leave a comment here if you wanna go and i'll try to get the tickets for you guys. ASAP please. You're welcome to perform if you're interested. One last thing, spread the word to the other drama people who don't read this blog. Thanks. God bless.


Blogger forevertwentysix said...

i'm interested, but i'll only go if jia jia, kimberly, or eunice, or all of em goes. yeah. get back to me asap. thanks. (:

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, just ask the others. Apparently it's not so urgent, cause there'll be tickets so at the door. i can't exactly contact everybody

5:20 PM  
Blogger Nett said...

ei! i'm from the JC asean comm. think i'm gonna ask my whole JC comm to come. all the best for ur ASEAN Dance k! =D

a tip: more dances, less performances. =)


11:19 PM  

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