i dont know what to post. like gisella . but i just feel like posting something.
very soon this blog will be dead.
very soon we'll all walk our seperate ways.
very soon our lives will change.
very soon we wont have rehearsals together.
i was jus thinking. on the 8th,
how many of us are going to walk out of SJI with a heavy heart ?
how many of us are gonna cry ?
how many of us will actually miss each other ?
we walk away not only with the experience and the fun. we walk away bringing along with us memories and friendships that were created and built. im sure a few of us have made good friends from this whole thing. and we only meet during rehearsals. very soon we wont have rehearsals anymore. so does it mean the friendship we've all built is jus gonna disppear like that ?
mayeb we should organise something at the end of the year after the o levels. it'll be really fun ! and maybe we should someday do our own production like nadia ! haha. okay. im feeling crappy. no not the moody crappy but the lame crappy.
i just dont want this to end. i wish it was the beginning. where we still dont talk to each other and we're all still getting to know each other.
reheasals are gtting funner by the day, maybe cos we all realise it's gonna be over soon ? if only the cast list was out in december, and we all had time to mingle before even starting to act then im sure it'll be funner (:
all im saying is, dont let what we've built the past 6 months disappear just like that. treausre every moment you have now with each and everyone of them.
trust me, you'll miss everything.
sherrie -