Sunday, June 25, 2006


i dont know what to post. like gisella . but i just feel like posting something.

very soon this blog will be dead.
very soon we'll all walk our seperate ways.
very soon our lives will change.
very soon we wont have rehearsals together.

i was jus thinking. on the 8th,
how many of us are going to walk out of SJI with a heavy heart ?
how many of us are gonna cry ?
how many of us will actually miss each other ?

we walk away not only with the experience and the fun. we walk away bringing along with us memories and friendships that were created and built. im sure a few of us have made good friends from this whole thing. and we only meet during rehearsals. very soon we wont have rehearsals anymore. so does it mean the friendship we've all built is jus gonna disppear like that ?

mayeb we should organise something at the end of the year after the o levels. it'll be really fun ! and maybe we should someday do our own production like nadia ! haha. okay. im feeling crappy. no not the moody crappy but the lame crappy.

i just dont want this to end. i wish it was the beginning. where we still dont talk to each other and we're all still getting to know each other.

reheasals are gtting funner by the day, maybe cos we all realise it's gonna be over soon ? if only the cast list was out in december, and we all had time to mingle before even starting to act then im sure it'll be funner (:

all im saying is, dont let what we've built the past 6 months disappear just like that. treausre every moment you have now with each and everyone of them.

trust me, you'll miss everything.

sherrie -


Yes, its my knee. See the bruise, see the bruise!?


Nah, it doesn't really really hurt..

It seems that I have a problem with falling down. Its always the knees first, then the hands.

But! There was ONCE. I did a hands first, then knees.

I didn't even PLAN it. So natural.

You have NO idea how happy I was.

I think I should wear knee guards on that day. Or maybe my dress will cushion the blow.

OR.. I could always fall properly. :D

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Ah. I see this blog is deprived of my posts.

Well, its just two teensy weeks before the big show!

*hums* Oh well. You know.. I had NO idea what I was gonna post.. So yeah.

I posted again. :D

- gissy

Sunday, June 18, 2006


i've read the latest blog posts of this blog.
and i'm sad to say,
it's very depressing.
maybe because they're so true.


sherrie or was it gisella, has a point.
we still have time to bond.

and i guess we need to.
otherwise the play wont be that great.

oh yeah btw,
just to let you guys know,
jing han confided in me and told me that...

the emdd people are like his 2nd family.

so how come he sees us as 2nd family and we dont see that to the rest?
er okay thats a bit confusing.

what i meant was that... jing han sees us as 2nd family,
which means he feels he's very close to us,
but some of us (including myself), arent that close to the emdd people.

so what i'm trying to say here is that...
you know...
i guess we all should bond.

oh yeah jing han's birthday is on the 22nd of june,
which is one of the days we have emdd practices.
and on the 22nd, it's at SJI.

(i know jing han wont be reading this).

so we've planned some plans for his birthday.
if any of you dont know of the plans and are reading this and want to find out,
please ask the following people for the plans.

hsuan te
wei an
jia jia

it's quite nice that he sees us as 2nd family.
so i figured we should give him a nice birthday.
because he has no choice but to celebrate it with us till 4pm.
alright i've got june holiday homework to do.

i shall remain anonymous.
despite the fact that i know you all can guess who i am.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

hmmm. less than a month to the big day. after that we'll all just go our seprate ways. well most of us. especially between the guys and the girls. oh well. but reallym it seemed like yesterday when we sat in the circle in SJI's hall playing that name game..

'my name is so and so, i like this and that'

how many of us will actually keep in touch with the people from the opposite sex ?
not many.

that IS the problem. it is because we are not bonded enough that the play is not coming together. jeff says people will fall asleep watching it. i guess its all about the chemistry between each and everyone one of us. we're not bonded as a group. maybe here and there we are bonded individually, but as a whole production we are not bonded.

honestly, what are the most entertaining scenes ? when there's only gisella and xd on stage. thats what i think. why ? cos everyone on stage has chemistry. well only the two of them and i suppose they've worked something out between the both of them. and thus there is some chemistry.

we should have had a camp, like a day camp for all of us to mingle and bond. but oh well, it's too late. too late to have a camp.

it's not too late to bond though. so long as everyone puts in an effort and dont jus disappear after rehearsals, i guess something can be done somehow.

i guess it has to reach the stage where, even when the production is done and over with, we'll have gatherings and parties together. in my opinion, it's only when it has reached that point that we are bonded and we can bring this production to its fullest.

i wonder if that will ever happen.

sherrie -

Monday, June 05, 2006

The worst dream ever.

I wanna kill myself. Now.

I dreamt that I forgot my lines.

It was the part where the scene ended with.. " over the dowry."

But somehow, xd and I were the only two in the scene, and HE was saying that line.

So, anyways.. I remember that I'm in the scene after the scene that ends with "business over the dowry".

And in my dream, I had a line after that. And only THEN would the scene end.. And I completely forgot my line.

I just stared at xd for the longest moment, and then said "Okay" or something to that extent before walking out of the scene.

People, if you EVER forget your line onstage (..but it never happens, for some odd reason..).. IMPROVISE.

The person who's acting with you will have to improvise and lead the whole thing back to the correct lines.

I've got a very bad feeling about my dream..

- gissy :(

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Since there usually aren't two posts in a row before Gisella comes flooding the blog with her posts.. *floods the blog with another of her post*

So. EMDD afternoon and nights.

We go to SJI, act, then go back home? Is that it?

Is it a team-effort just for the duration of rehearsals and performances?

DUH.. Yes. :P

But the thing is.. Is that it?

No. Building on Sherrie's point on friendship in the previous post..

We built friendships.

Whether or not we like the actors and/or the actresses, for the very fact that we are all in the same production, and the play wouldn't do if any person does his/her part right, we are all linked in SOME way or another.

Be that a good or bad thing, it does not matter. For example, you can hate your sibling, but your sibling is still family, no matter what. Something like that.

So. Arriving at my point..

This isn't really a tradition.. But its a natural practice during EMDD. Not -everyone- does it, but since this production is really really special, it would be even more so if everyone does it.

You can write little notes, or give roses/flowers to people involved in the play, thanking them.. Or telling them whatever you want.

Its almost a "common-sense" thing.. And yep. Just informing as many people as possible via this blog.. To make you all (Mostly the boys, because the girls know.. And if only the girls do it, the guys will feel left out or something.. Or rather, -we- will feel bad. Or maybe its just me. :P) realise that such a practice is POSSIBLE and exists.

Realisation just hit you? Inspiration just struck?

Don't hesitate to start working on your little gifts (Place the inverted commas around the word 'gifts' yourself if need be.) right NOW!

Its never too late to be early, and never too early to be uhh.. okay, never mind.

- gissy

P.S. For once, there isn't any title. For me, at least. Unless my memory fails me again...
OH YES. its me again yes. i just remebered. the other day when we had rehearsal at SJI. then we had to go out and just run lines i was looking at the chapel and the cross against the blue sky with clouds on it. it was so pretty ! it was such a peaceful sight.

the cross against the blue blue sky.
me wishing i could fly.
just like the white pure dove.
all the way high
and beyond.

the cross against the blue blue sky.
from far i could hear the cry.
the cry of a prisoners who have sinned.
kneeling at the cross,
hoping to be free and gone.

the cross against the blue blue sky.
me wishing i could fly.
closing my eyes in prayer
hoping life would be fine.
and after so long
it's finlly time to read my line.

something i jus made up while running through lines cos i was bored. its utter rubbish. im not someone who can compose good poems. its just lame.


haha okay. i bet most of you can guess who i am. anyway past few days it's just been rehearsal after rehearsal. nothing much to blog about. i just havent seen my post here for really long so i thought i'd come and blog.

hmmm. apparently some people still dont understand the meaning of 'no handphones during rehearsal' even after jeff saed that all hp's should be kept. someone was still using it. urgh. annoying.

i wonder how many of us will miss emdd after 8th july.
i wonder how many of us will remain friends.
i wonder how life will be like.
i wonder if we'll organize an emdd outing or something.

im just wondering about so many things (yes i think too much)
i dont know, but emdd had just been more than just acting experience for me. i've built friendships. got to know alot of people better. found new friends. and just a wider view to everything.

and i think something that hit me the most was growing closer to my seniors.

i've grown alot closer to gisella. my dear senior. maybe its cos we knew each other since syf. hmmm. yea. we share alot of opinions and just keep talking and talking.
i'll surely miss having lunch with you after rehearsals(:

i must say i've grown closer to berlyn too. not as close but yea still it grew.
and of course eunice. maybe its due to syf anf all. i dont know. but i've still got to know the, much better before they graduate this year.

- moo -

Thursday, June 01, 2006

the past few days of madcap rehersals.

YO! sigh. the past few days has been really crazy thanks to the many many rehersals. we had loads of fun though. haha. anyways, girls, we have to be in school at an insane time of 6.45am! that means we have to wake up at more insane times like before 6. like omg. its so freaking early. haha. anyways, im so gonna be tired tomorrow. i have to go for arts excursion later on only will get home at about 11ish? haha. gotta go now. ta-ta.
-smiles- =D