Saturday, June 03, 2006


haha okay. i bet most of you can guess who i am. anyway past few days it's just been rehearsal after rehearsal. nothing much to blog about. i just havent seen my post here for really long so i thought i'd come and blog.

hmmm. apparently some people still dont understand the meaning of 'no handphones during rehearsal' even after jeff saed that all hp's should be kept. someone was still using it. urgh. annoying.

i wonder how many of us will miss emdd after 8th july.
i wonder how many of us will remain friends.
i wonder how life will be like.
i wonder if we'll organize an emdd outing or something.

im just wondering about so many things (yes i think too much)
i dont know, but emdd had just been more than just acting experience for me. i've built friendships. got to know alot of people better. found new friends. and just a wider view to everything.

and i think something that hit me the most was growing closer to my seniors.

i've grown alot closer to gisella. my dear senior. maybe its cos we knew each other since syf. hmmm. yea. we share alot of opinions and just keep talking and talking.
i'll surely miss having lunch with you after rehearsals(:

i must say i've grown closer to berlyn too. not as close but yea still it grew.
and of course eunice. maybe its due to syf anf all. i dont know. but i've still got to know the, much better before they graduate this year.

- moo -


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