Thursday, March 30, 2006

Confused emotions.

Oookay! Update on yesterday's rehearsal.

Spent a WHOLE lot of time on the wedding scene. My huge chunk.

*pouts* I had to say:

"Bloody twit." after every line whenever it fitted.

"Oh, poor me!" complete with the back of my hand on my forehead and the other hand straight and sticking out after every line whenever it fitted.

But that changed to noisy inhalations of breaths (Sounds rather like a gasp. If there's a proper word for it, please tell me. :P) cause the previous one sounded spastic. This one was rather spastic too.

Oh well. I'm sorry I wasted so much of your time, girls!

Uhh.. Oh, and superly sorry to the second cast, that you all didn't get to practise your lines at all. Well, at least you got to see our fabulous KC Dance girls!! :D

- gissy

Friday, March 17, 2006

MICHELLE. i got a flobber too. tsk.

haha. i think it rather cute though. (:

and whats with the harry potter craze ? hmmm i never was a harry potter fan. call me silly if you want to. yea. i just never really got into it (:

drama. we've not been having rehearsals ! tsk. i thought we should have double the amount of rehearsals during holidays ? PLUS. we got a 7 week break in may. wow. am i right ? correct me if im wrong. haha.

o well. short post ! tata !


Thursday, March 09, 2006

yea. maybe next time round we'll put something there so that i wont walk into the coffee table ((: maybe i'll stand on top of the coffee table ! yay.

its hard sometimes to maintain the accent and be in character, cos i always feel like laughing and just speaking in cantonese !

i always say hong kong cos it keeps running through my mind that i have to maintain the accent. and so i keep thinking im a hong kong woman. and tadaa ! i eventually go to hong kong too. haha.

sherrie -

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I love angles. Truly.

"Your husband is your lord, your master, your friend, your protractor."

Whoops, slip of the tongue.

- gissy

P.S. Sherrie kept walking through the coffee table and kept going to Hong Kong instead of New Zealand.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Pushing game --> NOT "amusing"

SHERRIE! *glares* The pushing "game" was NOT amusing! :P

It was.. rather.. disgusting.

As Hsuan Te put it.. It went "slosh".

Icky. I was so embarrassed. I thought it was just me.

Oh well, it was him too. *shudders*

Note to girls: Please hand in your diary entries (nicely typed and printed out. I suggest you all saving a soft copy somewhere for yourselves JUST IN CASE anything happens to them) to Berlyn or me ASAP tomorrow. Deliver it to our class (Secondary 406, second block, second level) or simply catch us right after morning assembly, during the dismissal. Or anytime from 7.25am to 2.00pm. I might just call for a short meeting right after morning assembly, so get your diary entries ready, alright?

Thankies much!

- gissy

Sunday, March 05, 2006


i found the pushing game totally amusing.
seeing how hsuan te was doing it so easily and gisella using so much energy was quite funny.

we read our diary entry ! gosh. jay's one was sooo cheesy. my hair was standing. haha. and robin baked brownies ! they were GOOD. i had like 3 of them and i could feel the fats going to my tummy. =\and jeff gave us sweets too !

which reminds me, when jeff said one pack was for the guys then the guys were like 'throw it down' cos jeff was sitting up there, two or three guys were fighting for it. in the end what happened ? none of them got it. it fell to the floor. fox's sweets. they must have shattered. how crap.yay !

i love SJI's LT1. i can slide on the floor. super fun. (:


Friday, March 03, 2006

..Cutlery? *grins*

People, do we really bring chopsticks for the last scene? Its weird using our fingers to get "food".

Do we bring spoons too? :P

This sounds silly, but I think it would be REALLY cool if we brought chopsticks, at least!

The soup spoons are too breakable. I can't bear to see mine break.

Hurry tag your answers or reply in a new post! I might be bringing them.. If all of you agree to. :D

- gissy

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Kate. Subdued = subdued.

Okay, I've asked Jeffrey. She just got a taste of her own medicine.

What with Patrick throwing things about and all.. Mhm. That's it.

- gissy

P.S. PLEASE don't forget your diary entries. Remind every EMDD cast member you see!