Thursday, March 30, 2006

Confused emotions.

Oookay! Update on yesterday's rehearsal.

Spent a WHOLE lot of time on the wedding scene. My huge chunk.

*pouts* I had to say:

"Bloody twit." after every line whenever it fitted.

"Oh, poor me!" complete with the back of my hand on my forehead and the other hand straight and sticking out after every line whenever it fitted.

But that changed to noisy inhalations of breaths (Sounds rather like a gasp. If there's a proper word for it, please tell me. :P) cause the previous one sounded spastic. This one was rather spastic too.

Oh well. I'm sorry I wasted so much of your time, girls!

Uhh.. Oh, and superly sorry to the second cast, that you all didn't get to practise your lines at all. Well, at least you got to see our fabulous KC Dance girls!! :D

- gissy


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