Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hear ye, all ye fair roses! (GIRLS only. :D)

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006, is THE day.

The BIG day.

Measurements'll be taken!

So, wear your corsets or whatever you need if you wish to alter your own measurements to those you WANT it to be!

Its a ONE time chance, so don't miss it!

2.45pm at/in the Commerce/EOA Room! Don't be late!

..So, the POINT IS:

Wear your drama/PE/any other t-shirt and track pants* (its better to, or using PE shorts MAY result in a loooong lecture on decency. But then again, gissy's ALWAYS paranoid and anal about such things.).

* Its cold anyway! :D

NO staying in your school uniform (pinafore, belt and blouse) or you'll SERIOUSLY be murdered (not literally...)! I'm not being paranoid and/anal about this one.

- gissy

P.S. Report all ready and on time, okay? Okay. :D


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